While the Max Stirner Bibliography is the most complete to date, new material is being discovered daily. For instance…
Поссе, В. А.: В поисках смысла жизни (Спиноза, Шопенгауер, Кант, Фихте, Шеллинг, Гегель, Фейербах, Маркс и Энгельс, Штирнер, Ницше, Дарвни, Генкель) Популярный философский очерк. (Воронеж: Природа и культура, 1922).
Posse, V.A.: In Search of the Meaning of Life (Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx and Engels, Stirner, Nietzsche, Darvni, Henkel): a Popular Philosophical Essay. (Voronezh: Nature and Culture, 1922).
“Vladimir Aleksandrovich Posse (May 10, 1864 – October 21, 1940) was a Russian socialist journalist and editor who typically signed his articles V. A. Posse. (source).”
Anyone who can track down and translate this text (a solid lead is here) or other works by Штирнер (Stirner) is welcome to altruistically do so for the Union of Egoists!