Malfew Seklew, Freak Among Reformers

1845-1945, Bibliographic, Events, Malfew Seklew, The Clarion, The Eagle and The Serpent, Trevor Blake / Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020
Glasgow Green is the oldest park in the city of Glasgow, established in the 15th Century. It was during an amble in the Green in 1765 that James Watt conceived of the condenser for the steam engine, the key concept creating the Industrial Revolution. In this clipping from the Clarion for September 26th, 1902, an altogether different set of discoveries is disclosed. Sirfessor Seklew sings the praises of his own essay in The Eagle and the Serpent (which he himself humbly edited). He likewise lauds Liberty Luminants. – Trevor Blake


The Malfew Seklew Egoist-Socialist Propaganda Co.

Malfew Seklew, lecturer; Erwin McCall, advertising manager; J. W. Gott, treasurer; W. Barrie, secretary. MALFEW SEKLEW, the New Apostle of the New Gospel, the New Crusader of Egoistic Socialism, the Originator of Immoral Socialism, the Inventor of the New Method of Propagating the New Thought of New Socialism, and the Expounder of the New Individualism and Scientific Egoism, will lecture, Sunday next and following Sunday, on Glasgow Green, at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Babes and sucklings, creeplings and christlings, stay away. All others invited. No collection. Discussion open to anybody on two legs–of the genus homo. First spasm: “Altruism Crucified.” Second spasm: “The Missing Link in the Solution of the Social Problem.” Third spasm: “Why Socialism Does Not Grow / Egoism the Dawn of Liberty.” Hear Malfew Seklew, the iconoclastic, atheistic, hedonistic and egoistic Socialist, with Anarchist proclivities, tell the tale; and see Mrs. Grundy sobbing bitterly as this freak among reformers unclothes his thoughts in the open air. £20 offered to the first logical refutation of the arguments advanced in the article “Egoism: Conscious and Unconscious.” £2 will be given to the best answer to same. See Eagle and Serpent for September, 2d. post free. Read Liberty Luminants, the New Bible for Reformers, 72 pages, 3d. post free. Apply to W. Barrie c/o D. Baxter, 126, Trongate, Glasgow.

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