Was Nietzsche to Blame?
To the Editor of T.P.’s WEEKLY.
Our Society has been very much interested in your articles on Nietzsche, and feels indebted to Mr. Holbrook Jackson for his lucid and remarkably unbiassed article on this advocator of the Superman and the Super-Race. It has been Nietzsche’s misfortune to have been born in an age when morality was so rampant as to obscure the psychic vision of even clear thinkers. There have, however, been a few who have appreciated his philosophy. Of these, our President, Malfew Seklew, has been one, and we venture to submit to you and your readers a small account of his efforts in this direction:-
“I have been a reader of T.P.’s WEEKLY ever since the first number, and nothing has interested me more than Mr. Holbrook Jackson’s article on ‘The Truth about Nietzsche.’ It gives me pleasure to sec so influential a force as T.P.’s WEEKLY giving recognition to the labours of Irwin McCall, the editor of The Eagle and the Serpent, and of Thomas Common.
“Through the medium of The Truthseeker, a monthly journal published in Bradford, I introduced the public to ſlashes of lightning from the pen of Nietzsche. In most of the large centres of England and Scotland I introduced the gospel of the Superman and Social Aristocracy, ably assisted by Mr. Thomas Common. In the coſfee taverns, where debates are held, the same thing was done. The Cogers Society of London, where the cranks of the Metropolis used to congregate; Lester’s Coffee House of Nottingham, which Robert Owen used to frequent; Laycock’s Coffee Tavern of Bradford, the Talking Shop of Yorkshire, where all sorts of saints and sinners have assembled for forty years to discuss the Desires of Demos, have all been scenes of wordy warfare in the introduction of the Gospel of Nietzsche. In the County Forum of Manchester, also, I was the first to introduce this strange philosophy.
“As President of the Society of Social Aristocracy, of which I am the founder, I have so irritated and irrigated the minds of the mindful with alliterative phrases and sound philosophy that many of them have at last commenced to think—for themselves.”
Possibly the above may interest your readers, and if anyone is interested in Irwin McCall or Ragnar Redbeard, Mr. Seklew is in personal touch with these gentlemen and will be glad to give their addresses if desired.
—Yours, etc.,
The Society of Social Aristocrats and Conscious Egoists.