A 65-Year-Old Entrant, However, Quits Because of Drastic Hales.
New York, Dec. 27. – The worlds championship gabfest, at the 71st regiment armory, lost its philosophical mouthpiece today when F. M. Wilkesbarre, Sirfessor of Superology and Lord of Interpretations, Master of Mentoidology and the Demi-god of the Semi-Damned, dropped out of the race.
The 65-year-old founder of the Order of Supercrates, made up of superior human beings numbering 3,000 throughout the world, refused to talk day in and day out unless he could rest while exercising his voice.
“We’re all more or less nutty,” he said. “Every man in the world is like an iceberg, 80 per cent below the surface; humanity is just a bunch of animated vegetables.”
Five had dropped out since the contest began Christmas day. Six have mumbled and muttered without any rest, save the regular half hour and 45-minute eating periods.