“Nietzsche”, a poem by William Walstein Gordak

Clarence Lee Swartz

The following poem appeared in Clarence Lee Swartz’s journal “I” (1898), issue No.5 of January 1899. Today we posted the most information online about a rare early English language Nietzschean journal, edited by Thomas Common. “Why is Thomas Common so absolutely ignored?” was already being asked in 1913, when he was still alive, and alas, it has […]

February 12, 2018

SA1055 | Max Stirner’s Egoism and Nihilism | Larry Alan Schiereck

1946-Today, Max Stirner, Stand Alone

16th issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Max Stirner’s Egoism and Nihilism by Larry Alan Schiereck 72 pages, 6″ x 9″, Perfect bound Order: Amazon.com, Underworld Amusements During the early 1970s a “revival” took place of the philosophy of Max Stirner, born Johann Caspar Schmidt (1806-1856), whose book Der Einzige und Sein Eigentum has been called […]

February 5, 2018

Three translated poems of E. Armand

1845-1945, E. Armand, Poetry

The following poems were originally published in So sang an “outsider” in 1925. They were translated by “J.” in 2004. The dream I dream of a country without suffering where no one groans under the weight of solitude, and hearts dared to hope, with no layers of darkness blackening their desires. A country without tears and […]

January 29, 2018

Bondwoman by Dora Marsden

1845-1945, Dora Marsden, Freewoman

Bondwomen The Freewoman: No. 1, Vol. 1, November 23, 1911. by Dora Marsden Bondwomen are distinguished from Freewomen by a spiritual distinction. Bondwomen are the women who are not spiritual entities – who are not individuals. They are complements merely. By habit of thought, by form of activity, and largely by preference, they round off […]

January 24, 2018

“The American transcendentalists seem like pantywaists by comparison…” | 2017 Review | Chip Smith

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Book, Egoism, James L. Walker, Kevin I. Slaughter, Max Stirner, Reviews

Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 A review by Chip Smith Despite the marginal influence of Max Stirner, the intellectual and cultural milieu of late 19th century egoism has received little scholarly attention to date. This is a shame because the early egoists exposited a unique and radical vision of human autonomy — peppered with anarchist, […]

January 19, 2018

James L. Walker on Egoism in “Liberty and the Great Libertarians”

1845-1945, James L. Walker

The following excerpt is from Liberty and the Great Libertarians: an Anthology on Liberty, a Hand-book of Freedom by Charles T. Sprading. The book itself is a collection of writings by thinkers including Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, William Godwin, Wilhelm von Humboldt, John Stuart Mill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Josiah Warren, Max Stirner, Henry […]

January 8, 2018

J.L.Walker’s “Philosophy of Egoism” | 1906 Review | NOW Journal

1845-1945, Book, James L. Walker, Reviews

A review of the first egoist book in America, from a spiritualist, new age journal titled NOW: A Journal of Affirmation, Vol. VI.  No. 7, of March 1906. findacenter.com defines “New Thought” as “…a spiritual path or movement formed primarily by Suffragettes. Abolitionists and Free Thinkers guided by Core Concepts which include: co-creation, human rights and scientific […]

January 5, 2018

52 Posts in 2017, a master list


We were able to produce at least one post a week, on average, last year. Some of the material made it into the first issue of Der Geist (2017) and others will make it into the next. Some will only live on as blog posts and some may even be deleted:

January 3, 2018