“Self-Maintainless Self—Female” by Henry Replogle

1845-1945, Egoism

The following was published in Georgia and Henry Replogle’s journal Egoism (1890). Volume 4, number 1 was published in September, 1897. Henry wrote a similar article for “Males” in the previous issue, previously published on this blog. Self-Maintainless Self—Female. In the way of strong weaknesses, next to man’s overpowering lonesomeness is woman’s dread of responsibility. So […]

November 6, 2017

“Self-Entertainless Self—Male” by Henry P. Replogle

1845-1945, Egoism

The following was published in Georgia and Henry Replogle’s journal Egoism (1890). Volume 4, number 1 was published in September, 1897. Henry wrote a follow up on “Females” in the next issue, to be published on this blog next week. Self-Entertainless Self—Male. Probably the strongest weakness of man is his shameless lonesomeness. What of energy and […]

October 30, 2017

Announcing Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 Vol.1 No.1

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Benjamin DeCasseres, Bibliographic, Clarence Lee Swartz, Der Geist, Dora Marsden, Events, James L. Walker, John Basil Barnhill, Kevin I. Slaughter, Malfew Seklew, Max Stirner, Ragnar Redbeard, Trevor Blake

April 1st, 2016 heralded in the beginning of UnionOfEgoists.com, and today (October 25th, 2017, the 211th birthday of Max Stirner) we announce its official journal: DER GEIST.   Purchase from: Underworld Amusements Purchase from Amazon.com:  US | MX | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT Library Edition, fifty dollars (please inquire) DER GEIST (Trevor Blake, editor) is an English-language journal for an international audience, publishing original scholarship […]

October 25, 2017

Introducing TheEgoAndHisOwn.com

1845-1945, 1946-Today, News

Today, in addition to the first issue of Der Geist Journal, we are releasing TheEgoAndHisOwn.com. It is a dedicated website hosting not only the entirety of the Stephen Byington English language translation of The Ego and His Own, but multiple introductions from English and foreign language editions, some never online or in English before now. Front Matter: […]

October 25, 2017