Dora Marsden and the Women of Dumfries

1946-Today, Dora Marsden, Events

Dora Marsden spent the last decades of her life in Dumfries hospital. From March 2023 to January 2024, Dumfries Museum features an exhibit titled “The Women of Dumfries” that includes information and images about Dora Marsden. This information, and much more, is found in Dora Marsden: A Brave and Beautiful Spirit (1882 – 1960) by […]

August 10, 2023

Sirfessor Seklew Texts from a Soap Box

1845-1945, Malfew Seklew

Soap box oratory was no figure of speech to Fred M. Wilkes. When he died at the age of 77 in New York his career as an informal outdoor speaker stretched back 55 years. Other haranguers of street crowds dubbed him “king of the soap-boxers.” It all began in Hyde Park, London. Son of a […]

July 31, 2023

Review: Speakers’ Corner Anthology

1946-Today, Book, Malfew Seklew

Peace News once organised an activist training in which the participants had to stand on a stepladder in Tavistock Square and deliver a speech to the passers-by. It is a skill that people with a political opinion should have. But these days, few do. Many quail at the simple political tool of door-knocking. The Speakers’ […]

March 1, 2023

Max Stirner and the Grisette

1845-1945, Historical Work, Max Stirner

Emma Goldman (1869 – 1940) was an anarchist of the collective variety, but she knew her individualist anarchists too. In Victims of Morality and The Failure of Christianity (1913) Goldman gets personal about Max Stirner and his darling in Goldman’s denunciation of morality… Meanwhile the respectable young man, excited through the daily association and contact […]

December 28, 2022

Malfew Seklew Pronounces Proletarians in Purgatory

1845-1945, Events, Malfew Seklew

Sirfessor Malfew Seklew takes on the Social Democratic Federation as reported in Justice Saturday for August 9, 1902. DEBATE, Sunday, August 10, at 6.30 p.m., on “Meadows,” Edinburgh, between GEORGE DOULL (S.D.F.) and MALFEW SEKLEW (the Apostle of Atheogism), on “Why the Proletarians are in Purgatory.” ANARCHISTS IN EDINBURGH. DEAR COMRADE, In your last issue […]

May 11, 2022

Dora Marsden for the Prosecution


SOUTHPORT ELECTION SEQUEL POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS The Southport Police Court was crowded today when John Aspinall, Peter James Halsall and James Sumner were charged with assault by Miss Mary Gawthorpe, Miss Dora Marsden and Miss Mabel Capper, suffragists, and there was a further summons brought by Miss Dora Marsden and others against Councillor Dr Arthur […]

May 4, 2022