Dora Marsden, Hatless and Disheveled

1845-1945, Dora Marsden, Events, Freewoman, New Freewoman, The Egoist 1914, Trevor Blake

INCIDENTS OF THE RAID DISAPPOINTED SUFFRAGISTS ONLY ONE OF THEM ADMITTED TO THE HOUSE TWELVE ARRESTS In accordance with the statement contained in Miss Pankhurst’s letter to the Prime Minister on Monday, the members of the Women’s Social and Political Union assembled in large numbers at Caxton Hall yesterday afternoon for the purpose of appointing […]

March 13, 2019

Announcing Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945, Issue 2

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Benjamin DeCasseres, Benjamin R. Tucker, Bibliographic, Book, Clarence Lee Swartz, Der Geist, Dora Marsden, E. Armand, Egoism, Enrico Arrigoni, George Schumm, Georgia Replogle, Henry Replogle, Historical Work, J. William Lloyd, James J. Martin, James L. Walker, John Basil Barnhill, John Beverly Robinson, Kevin I. Slaughter, Laurance Labadie, Malfew Seklew, Max Stirner, Minus One, Ragnar Redbeard, Renzo Novatore, Sidney E. Parker, Steven T. Byington, The Eagle and The Serpent, The New En Marge, Thomas Common, Trevor Blake

The newest issue of Der Geist, the journal of historical Egoism, is here. Rare and unpublished works from the first century of egoism-the philosophy of Max Stirner. Unique translations of Stirner into English; significant archives of egoism rescued from the ash heap of history; blood and thunder from Friedrich Nietzsche complimented by the laughing philosophy of […]

October 25, 2018

In Front of the Party was Miss Dora Marsden

1845-1945, Dora Marsden, Events, Trevor Blake

DESPERATE SUFFRAGETTES. RAID ON THE COMMONS. LANCASHIRE LADIES ARRESTED. Members the National Women’s Social and Political Union assembled in large numbers at a “Parliament for Women” at Caxton Hall, Westminster, yesterday, in readiness for another attempt to interview the Prime Minister on the question of women’s suffrage. Mrs. Pankhurst presided over the “Parliament,” and was […]

August 1, 2018