Announcing Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 Vol.1 No.1

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Benjamin DeCasseres, Bibliographic, Clarence Lee Swartz, Der Geist, Dora Marsden, Events, James L. Walker, John Basil Barnhill, Kevin I. Slaughter, Malfew Seklew, Max Stirner, Ragnar Redbeard, Trevor Blake

April 1st, 2016 heralded in the beginning of, and today (October 25th, 2017, the 211th birthday of Max Stirner) we announce its official journal: DER GEIST.   Purchase from: Underworld Amusements Purchase from  US | MX | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT Library Edition, fifty dollars (please inquire) DER GEIST (Trevor Blake, editor) is an English-language journal for an international audience, publishing original scholarship […]

October 25, 2017

References and Allusions to Max Stirner

Max Stirner

References and quotations from Stirner appear in odd places. Collected below are a few of those references. Originally gathered by Dan Davis for the Egoist Archive. ** New additions from The Independent Ego @worthy248 The Failure of Christianity by Emma Goldman The Rebel by Camus Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises How I Found Freedom […]

July 30, 2017

The case of the missing “h” and the Orthographische Konferenz von 1901

1845-1945, Bibliographic, Historical Work, Max Stirner

What does the “Orthographische Konferenz von 1901” have to do with Egoism? First, let wikipedia tell you what it was: At the Orthographic Conference of 1901 in Berlin (also known as the Second Orthographic Conference ), a common German orthography of all the German – speaking countries was established, which was largely based on Prussian orthography, […]

June 7, 2017

“The Unique and Its Property” by Max Stirner, trans. Wolfi Landstreicher

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Apio Ludd, Book, Max Stirner

NOTICE: This book is now out of print and unavailable as of October 31st, 2017. We have no plans to reprint per request of the translator. “Some call it The Anarchists’ Bible, others call it The Billionaires’ Bible” —Benjamin R. Tucker More information: Buy from the publisher: UNDERWORLD AMUSEMENTS Buy it from anarchist distro: Little Black Cart Buy […]

June 1, 2017

SA1019 | Max Stirner/Roots of the Right | Stirner & Parker

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Book, Max Stirner, Sidney E. Parker, Stand Alone, Uncategorized

The Union of Egoists produced journal Stand Alone (2016) has released it’s 6th issue of the egoist journal.  Limited to 45 copies.   This edition of Stand Alone pairs 45 uncirculated copies of the 1971 Harper Row edition of Max Stirner: The Ego and His Own, with a special typesetting of Sidney E. Parker’s review of that […]

February 15, 2017