In Front of the Party was Miss Dora Marsden

1845-1945, Dora Marsden, Events, Trevor Blake

DESPERATE SUFFRAGETTES. RAID ON THE COMMONS. LANCASHIRE LADIES ARRESTED. Members the National Women’s Social and Political Union assembled in large numbers at a “Parliament for Women” at Caxton Hall, Westminster, yesterday, in readiness for another attempt to interview the Prime Minister on the question of women’s suffrage. Mrs. Pankhurst presided over the “Parliament,” and was […]

August 1, 2018

Ragnar Redbeard, Nietzsche et l’Amérique

1845-1945, Bibliographic, Clarence Lee Swartz, Ragnar Redbeard, Trevor Blake

Nietzsche et l’Amérique Le «surhomme» de Fr. Nietzsche, par GOEBEL et ANTRIM. Biographie de Nietzsche. Sa doctrine: le christianisme fut le retournement radical des notions anciennes du bien et du mal, l’apologie de la faiblesse; il est continué par l’esprit démocratique, tout dévoué aux êtres inférieurs. Le surhomme, au contraire, est le fort, le conquérant, […]

July 18, 2018

Two Libertarian Broadsides | 1979 Review | S.E. Parker in Freedom

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Laurance Labadie, Libertarian Broadsides, Sidney E. Parker

The Mutualist & the Moralist Libertarian Broadside No 7: Selected Essays by Laurence Labadie, introduction and appendices by James J. Martin $1.50; Libertarian Broadside No 8: Uncivil Liberty by Ezra Heywood. Introduction by James J. Martin $1.00. Published by Ralph Myles Publisher Inc, Colorado Springs. When Benjamin Tucker left the USA in 1908 and went into […]

July 12, 2018

SA1075 | Elbert Hubbard’s The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest | Bruce A. White

1845-1945, Benjamin DeCasseres, Book, Stand Alone

21st issue of the egoist journal “Stand Alone”. Elbert Hubbard’s The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest by Bruce A. White (Expanded Second Edition) 6″ x 9″, 262 pages, perfect bound Available from or .uk Available from Underworld Amusements Limited edition deluxe set exclusively available from Underworld Amusements The Philistine was a spearhead of the Arts […]

July 2, 2018

An excerpt from “Confessions of an Anarchist” | W.C Hart | 1906

1845-1945, Benjamin R. Tucker, Book, Liberty, Max Stirner, Ragnar Redbeard

Confessions of an Anarchist is a 1906 expose of anarchism, and appears to be written by someone very much involved in the British anarchist milieu at the turn of the century, The book is prefaced: The author of this work has spent some ten years among Anarchists, and in the study of Anarchist publications. He was for some time secretary […]

June 25, 2018

Malfew Seklew and a New Way to Earn a Living

1845-1945, Malfew Seklew

  SIMPOLEONS! Listen! Don’t be blisters on the Bosom of Time, but look like Napoleons of Labour by wearing “Sericine” Silk Ties. Something New. Seklew’s Sample Shilling Set: 3 Ties, 1 Tie-Maker, 1 silver-cased Collar-fastener. 1s the Lot. Agents wanted. Particulars 1d. – Seklew and Co., 11, Chester-street, C.-on-M., Manchester. – Daily Herald March 20, […]

June 20, 2018

Anarchist Socialism by J.Wm. Lloyd

1845-1945, J. William Lloyd, Liberty

Anarchist Socialism By J.Wm [John William] Lloyd As many of you, my comrades, may know me only as a Socialist, and may doubt my qualifications to explain Anarchism, I will say that for some 20 years or more I was a professed and active Anarchist, a constant contributor to Anarchist periodicals, and the personal friend […]

June 11, 2018