John Nichols Beffel at the Dill Pickle Club

1845-1945, Trevor Blake

John Nichols Beffel (1887 – 1973) was a journalist with sympathies to outsiders and anarchists. Among his many credits are pieces in the American Mercury, the Chicago Daily News, the Detroit Free Press, New Trends, the New York World, and the New York Herald Tribune among others. And, apparently, Cartoons Magazine for December 1911 (Volume […]

September 13, 2017

References and Allusions to Max Stirner

Max Stirner

References and quotations from Stirner appear in odd places. Collected below are a few of those references. Originally gathered by Dan Davis for the Egoist Archive. ** New additions from The Independent Ego @worthy248 The Failure of Christianity by Emma Goldman The Rebel by Camus Human Action by Ludwig Von Mises How I Found Freedom […]

July 30, 2017