Fight Club 1914

1845-1945, Dora Marsden, Historical Work

In Fight Club 2 by Chuck Palahniuk (Number 5, September 23 2015) we see Mary Richardson attacking a painting with a meat cleaver. Richardson was known by Dora Marsden, and appeared in Dora’s publications. Richardson was with Emily Davison when she stepped onto the racetrack in front of King George’s horse on June 4 1913. […]

June 15, 2016

Is Shakespeare Dead?

1845-1945, Book, Trevor Blake

Mark Twain had a few words on irreverence to the crowd in the pursuit of what is sacred to the self: Irreverence. The quality or condition of irreverence toward God and sacred things. What does the Hindu say? He says it is correct. He says irreverence is lack of respect for Vishnu, and Brahma, and […]

May 26, 2016

Posse in Search of the Meaning of Life

1845-1945, Book, Historical Work, Max Stirner, Trevor Blake

While the Max Stirner Bibliography is the most complete to date, new material is being discovered daily. For instance… Поссе, В. А.: В поисках смысла жизни (Спиноза, Шопенгауер, Кант, Фихте, Шеллинг, Гегель, Фейербах, Маркс и Энгельс, Штирнер, Ницше, Дарвни, Генкель) Популярный философский очерк. (Воронеж: Природа и культура, 1922). Posse, V.A.: In Search of the Meaning […]

May 22, 2016

Egoists on Democracy

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Dora Marsden, Events, Malfew Seklew, Max Stirner, Ragnar Redbeard, Trevor Blake Above: the doors of the sausage factory are temporarily left open to the viewing public as Roberta Lange abruptly ends the Nevada Democratic Caucus rather than allow a re-count of the votes. Dora Marsden: Democracy is a weed of the tuber order. When its visible leaves are lopped off, the underground root remains strong […]

May 17, 2016