Jeff Riggenbach reads “The Ego and His Own” by Max Stirner | 15 of 20 (8A)

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Book, James J. Martin, Max Stirner, Podcast, Steven T. Byington

The Ego and His Own Podcast Cassette tape 8, side A, episode 15 of 20. Jeff Riggenbach (1947-2021) reads The Ego and His Own by Max Stirner (1806-1856). Translated by Steven T. Byington (1869-1957), edited and introduced by James J. Martin (1916-2004). Edition read is based on the 1963 Libertarian Book Club edition. We do […]

May 16, 2021

Jeff Riggenbach reads “The Ego and His Own” by Max Stirner | 13 of 20 (7A)

1845-1945, 1946-Today, Book, James J. Martin, Max Stirner, Podcast, Steven T. Byington

The Ego and His Own Podcast Cassette tape 7, side A, episode 13 of 20. Jeff Riggenbach (1947-2021) reads The Ego and His Own by Max Stirner (1806-1856). Translated by Steven T. Byington (1869-1957), edited and introduced by James J. Martin (1916-2004). Edition read is based on the 1963 Libertarian Book Club edition. We do […]

May 2, 2021

Malfew Seklew: “We’re All More or Less Nutty”

1845-1945, Events, Malfew Seklew

THE GABBERS MUMBLE ON. A 65-Year-Old Entrant, However, Quits Because of Drastic Hales. New York, Dec. 27. – The worlds championship gabfest, at the 71st regiment armory, lost its philosophical mouthpiece today when F. M. Wilkesbarre, Sirfessor of Superology and Lord of Interpretations, Master of Mentoidology and the Demi-god of the Semi-Damned, dropped out of […]

April 27, 2021

Balzac by Benjamin DeCasseres

1845-1945, Benjamin DeCasseres

BALZAC By BENJAMIN DE CASSERES1)This wonderful appreciation of Balzac originally appeared as a communication to the New York Sun, in which had been raging a literary battle as to the respective merits of Anthony Trollope and the master Frenchman. It is reprinted here because of its inspirational tone–its strength–its power of constructive analysis.–Editor TO compare […]

April 23, 2021

Benjamin R. Tucker on Nietzsche and the War, making a braille edition of Stirner for Hellen Keller.

1845-1945, Benjamin R. Tucker, Friedrich Nietzsche, George Schumm, Letters, Max Stirner, Steven T. Byington

October 2, 1914 London Dear Mr Schumm: I have heard from the Hetzels (as indeed you have written me yourself) that you think me mistaken regarding Nietzsche’s responsibility for the war. I enclose a letter from Wm. Archer to Gerhardt Hauptmann, showing that not only archer, but Hauptmann himself, takes my view. How do you […]

April 15, 2021