Malfew Seklew Versus the Watery-Blooded

1845-1945, Malfew Seklew, Trevor Blake

Dear Sir, — Of the many letters published in this column during the past fortnight treating of the “Truthseeker” and blasphemy, none have. I think, made a candid examination of that paper. “The Truthseeker,” though has “fought good fight” against the ancient blasphemy laws, is largely boycotted by tolerant Rationalists: the “Literary Guide” speaks of […]

September 26, 2018

In Front of the Party was Miss Dora Marsden

1845-1945, Dora Marsden, Events, Trevor Blake

DESPERATE SUFFRAGETTES. RAID ON THE COMMONS. LANCASHIRE LADIES ARRESTED. Members the National Women’s Social and Political Union assembled in large numbers at a “Parliament for Women” at Caxton Hall, Westminster, yesterday, in readiness for another attempt to interview the Prime Minister on the question of women’s suffrage. Mrs. Pankhurst presided over the “Parliament,” and was […]

August 1, 2018

Ragnar Redbeard, Nietzsche et l’Amérique

1845-1945, Bibliographic, Clarence Lee Swartz, Ragnar Redbeard, Trevor Blake

Nietzsche et l’Amérique Le «surhomme» de Fr. Nietzsche, par GOEBEL et ANTRIM. Biographie de Nietzsche. Sa doctrine: le christianisme fut le retournement radical des notions anciennes du bien et du mal, l’apologie de la faiblesse; il est continué par l’esprit démocratique, tout dévoué aux êtres inférieurs. Le surhomme, au contraire, est le fort, le conquérant, […]

July 18, 2018