Der individualistische Anarchist was edited and published by Benedict Lachmann (1878 – 1941). As a young man frequenting bohemian circles he met John Henry Mackay, who introduced him to the egoism of Max Stirner. Lachmann wrote Protagoras, Nietzsche, Stirner / ein Beitrag zur Philosophie des Individualismus und Egoismus (Protagoras – Nietzsche – Stirner / A Contribution to the Philosophy of Individualism and Egoism) in 1914. A 1978 edition of this book was published by Kurt Zube, the father of John Zube, John Zube being the creator of the Libertarian Microfiche Project. Lachmann opened a bookstore in 1919, the same year of publication as Der individualistische Anarchist. In the 1930s he turned over his bookshop to an assistant. As a Jewish man and an individualist he was unable to operate a bookshop in National Socialist Germany. Lachmann was in the first group of Jews deported from Berlin. He died in Ghetto Litzmannstadt in the city of Łódź, Poland, on December 4th, 1941.
Der individualistische anarchist asks those in whose hands this booklet comes who are ignorant of the principles of individualistic anarchism to pay attention to the explanations below. Anarchism is against authority, its goal is order and freedom. Unfortunately, it is still not superfluous to repeat that anarchism and anarchy are not disorder and are not chaos. Only the antiquated idea that order without domination is not possible has created and sustains this misuse of the word anarchism.
[…] Freedom is both an aim and a means for the anarchist. He therefore rejects every violent conversion, every compulsion, and, like every dictatorship, abhors every dictatorial means. He wishes to remain unpolluted in his affairs as long as he is not aggressive, and not to harass others unless they become aggressive with him. Individualistic Anarchism is not a party; it is a free association of those who seek their personal freedom. Anyone who wants to belong to this association, as long as he wants it. – Benedict Lachmann (Trevor Blake, translation) Der individualistische Anarchist Number 1 (April 1st, 1919).Masthead
Subtitle: none
Editor: Benedict Lachmann
Index of Issues
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 1 | April 1st, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der Individualistische Anarchist (Vorwort) by Benedict Lachmann | 1 |
Fruhlingslied by Georg Herwegh | 4 |
Der Anarchist von heute by Arthur Kahane | 5 |
Und das Licht ? by Benedict Lachmann | 10 |
Der Wanderer by Friedrich Dobe | 20 |
Ein unbekannter Stirner-Brief (Facsimile) by Benedict Lachmann | 40 |
Die Frau und der Freie by Johanna Salzmann | 42 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 2 | April 16th, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der individualistische Anarchist by Benedict Lachmann | 53 |
Staat und Ordnung by Antibarbarus | 56 |
Die Pflicht des burgerlichen Ungehorsams by Friedrich Dobe | 61 |
Sozialisierung oder genossenschaftliche Betriebweise? by Hugo Nansen | 83 |
Polen, Preussen und Deutschland by Benedict Lachmann | 88 |
Jugendbewegung by Fritz Gross | 94 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 3 | May 1st, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der individualistsche Anarchist (Vorwort) by Benedict Lachmann | 97 |
Die konstitutionelle genossenschaftliche Fabrik by Hugo Nansen | 100 |
Drei Traume in der Wuste unter einem Mimosenbaum by Margarethe Dobe | 114 |
Die Kosten des burgerlichen Ungehorsams by Friedrich Dobe | 122 |
Der Einzelne und die Gesellschalt by Antibarbarus | 126 |
Zwischen Tod und Tod by Johanna Salzmann | 131 |
Die Ubergangssozialisten by Benedict Lachmann | 135 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 4 | May 15th, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der individualistische Anarchist (Vorwort) by Benedict Lachmann | 145 |
Das Gelt by Friedrich Dobe | 148 |
Gesetz und Autoritat by Kropotkin | 157 |
Zur Zeit by Friedrich Partmuss | 180 |
Der “sozialistische” Tolstoj by Gerhard Lehmann | 183 |
Aus den Papieren eines gefallen Soldaten by Karl Ludwig | 188 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 5 | June 1st, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der individualistische Anarchist (Vorwort) by Benedict Lachmann | 195 |
Das Monopol als Quelle des sozialen Ubels by Hugo Nansen | 198 |
Die Provinzial-Landbank by Friedrich Dobe | 212 |
Verstaatlichung des Menschen oder Vermenschlichung des Staates by Heinz Blucher | 220 |
Der Einzelne und die Politik by Antibarbarus | 225 |
Kultur des Individualismus by Walter Goldschmidt | 232 |
Einst by Ludmillavon Rehren | 241 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 6 | June 15th, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der individualistische Anarchist (Vorwort) by Benedict Lachmann | 247 |
Bolschewismus und Anarchismus by Benedict Lachmann | 250 |
Das Erbrecht und der Staat by Hugo Nansen | 261 |
Die Verwicklichung der Freiheit by Friedrich Dobe | 272 |
Herr Rathenau im Neuen Staate by Gerhard Lehmann | 280 |
Wie wird die Schuld gesuhnt by Maximilian Raven | 282 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 7 | July 1st, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Die Waffen es Einzelnen wider den Staat by Friedrich Dobe | 289 |
Kunstliche Monopole (Kartellierung und Vertrustung der industriellen Produktion) by Hugo Nansen | 311 |
Die Logik der Gesetze by Benedict Lachmann | 311 |
Von der Grundlage aller Sittlichkeit by Kropotkin | 315 |
Briefwechsel mit Herrn Johan Pedersen in Aarhus by Benedict Lachmann | 320 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 8 | July 15th, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Aufruf by Benedict Lachmann | 337 |
Pierre Joseph Proudhon (mit einem Portrat) by Friedrich Dobe | 338 |
Kunstliche Monopole (Kartellierung und Vertrustung der industriellen Produktion) II by Hugo Nansen | 347 |
Von der Freiheit und ob es sie gibt by Antibarbarus | 361 |
Dichter sterben by Friedrich Partmuss | 367 |
Richard Beer-Hofmann; Jaakobs Traum by Eduard Saenger | 369 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 9 | August 1st, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Aufruf by Benedict Lachmann | 373 |
Kreig und Vernunft by Leo Tolstoy | 374 |
Kunstliche Monopole (Kartellierung und Vertrustung der industriellen Produktion) III by Hugo Nansen | 381 |
Das geistige Eigentum under der Anarchismus by Benedict Lachmann | 396 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 10 | August 15th, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Aufruf by Benedict Lachmann | 409 |
Panarchie by M.N. | 410 |
Verpflichtung by Eugen Styx | 417 |
Kautsky’s Richtlinien fur ein sozialistisches Aktions-program by Hugo Nansen | 423 |
Zwei Bucher aus Stirners Besitz by Friedrich Dobe | 436 |
Bucherbesprechungen und Anzeigen | 439 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 11 | September 1st, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Aufruf by Benedict Lachmann | 445 |
Freie Sozialisierung by MaxG. Grossmann | 446 |
Ein Politiker vor dem Zeil, von Auberon Herbert, aus dem Enlischen by Friedrich Dobe | 461 |
Diskussion (Das geistige Eigentum und der Anarchismus) | 476 |
Notizen by Issue 11 | 484 |
Der Individualistische Anarchist | No. 12 | September 15th, 1919
edited by: Benedict Lachmann
Der individualistische Anarchist by Benedict Lachmann | 485 |
Ein Politiker vor dem Zeil (II) by Friedrich Dobe | 487 |
Vom Segen des Zwanges by Antibarbarus | 507 |
Diskussion (Die konstitutionelle, genossenschaftliche Fabrik) | 507 |
Pierre Ramus gegen Marx by Kurt Sonnefeld | 515 |