Enemy Combatant was a publishing collective that released a series of booklets and a small number of books beginning around 2015. The publisher and distributor Little Black Cart continues to stock and print titles from the catalog, and there may still be new issuances, but the venture is largely moribund of new work.
Enemy Combatant, as a project, appeared to be entirely offline. They only listed a physical address to communicate with them, and there were only a few outlets online that stocked their titles.
While this is not a “journal” in any formal sense, the project released a great number of fairly uniform booklets around a few central themes, egoism being a major subject. We have decided, much like we did with Libertarian Brodsides (1967) to make a page for them here in the journal section, as it is the most appropriate place we have, and we wanted to get this documentation online, however sparse. Because of the clandestine nature of Enemy Combatant, and the lack of a numbering system or other confirming documentation, the titles have been listed in alphabetical order, as opposed to order of release.
Our first goal was to compile as an authoritative list as possible of titles, and next will be filling out more bibliographic detail.
Anarchy and Leftism: A Marriage Made in Mental Illness
“Anarchy is a Good Word…” | Eliphalet Kimball
Animal Liberation: Devastate to Liberate or Devastatingly Liberal?
Aphorisms Against Work | Len Bracken
At Daggers Drawn with the Existent | Anonymous
Boreal Crown, The | (on) Charles Fourier
Chiron the Centaur | Benjamin DeCasseres
Christianity: The Tenth Plague | Arnulf Øverland
Civilization: Its Cause and Cure | Edward Carpenter
Crimes of Perception – Various Authors
Critical Self-Theory | Jason McQuinn
Democracy / Creative Stupidity | Benjamin DeCasseres
Destroy All Monsters |
Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man, A | DeSade
Dionysian Vision of the World, The | Friedrich Nietzsche
Egoist Ecologies | Various Authors
Egoist Encyclopedia | Wolfi Landstreicher
Egoist Perspectives on Civilization |
Emanations of the Ego |
Expansive Individualism | Pierre Chardon
Extinguish the Old | A.L. & V.L. Gordin
For Life | Alexandra David-Néel
For Reactionaries Only | Jack Common
Harvest of Dead Elephants, The
Illegal Anarchism: The False Dichotomy
Illegalism | Paul Z. Simons
Ishi and the War Against Civilization | Chahta-Ima
Individualist Sensibility, The | Georges Palante
Infinite Variety / Writings By Individualist-Anarchist Women
Land of the Altruists, The | John Beverly Robinson
Leave Me Alone | Various Authors
Liber Nihil | Uncredited
Liberty of Egoism, The | E. Horn
Life Under the Death’s Head | Gabrielle Kuhn
Lived Poetry: Stirner, Anarchy, Subjectivity and the Art of Living | John Moore
Logic of Passions | Marquis de Sade
Men Disgust Me | Andre Lorulot
Mutual Utilization | Massimo Passamani
Neither Lord Nor Subject: Anarchism and Eastern Thought
New Nihilism | Peter Lamborn Wilson
Nihilism as Egoism | Keiji Nishitani
Old Calendarists, The / Tracts for Our Time | Wilson, Kelley, Pollack, et. al
Paradox of Redemptive Dynamite |
Rants of Feral Faun | Feral Faun
Rejecting the Reification of Revolt
Rent: An Injustice | I.R. Ybarra
Rewilding Witchcraft | Peter Gray
Riots and Potlatches | Neil Keating
Slaves to Duty | John Badcock, Jr.
Solar Economics | Len Bracken
Soul of Man Under Socialism, The | Oscar Wilde
Superior Mutants: A Manifesto
There Is No Free Society | Georges Palante
Too Much of Nothing: An Anthology of Anti-Economic Thought
Two Styles of Anti-Statist Subjectivity | Alejandro de Acosta
Universe: A Mirror of Itself, The | Peter Lamborn Wilson
View from Mount Suffering | Peter Wessel Zapffe
What is Society? | Various Authors
Tsuji Jun: Japanese Dadaist, Anarchist, Philosopher, Monk | Erana Jae Taylor
Semi Automatic Poetry | Wolfi Landstreicher
Corrosive Consciousness | Bellamy Fitzpatrick
Enemy Combatant Publications Summer 2016 Catalog
Enemy Combatant Publications Winter 2017 Catalog (28 pages)
Enemy Combatant Publications Winter 2017-18 Catalog (28 pages)
Enemy Combatant 2019 Catalog