It appears that this nicely typeset and printed journal was published roughly on a monthly schedule for 8 months and vanished. Most of the issues were 8 pages, but that varied at least on issue 5. I have only seen issues #2, 4-8. The editor used the name Cresencia Desafio, though I can only find references to that name online in the years 2011-2012.
AnarchistNews posted the following notice on November 11th, 2012:
The Sovereign Self is a monthly anarchist paper, one of egoist and individualist persuasion. We do not concern ourselves with making alliances based on the lowest common denominator, sadly a far too frequent reality amongst the anarchist movement in this country. Instead we publish and spread our ideas, however harsh, critical, or in some cases, even positive they may be. We do this not to gain adherence, but to speak to those who will find power in these words, those who would lead themselves–the free libertarian, the rebel, the anarchist. This paper acts as a medium for the uncontrollable.
Any further information on this journal or the editors, please contact us.
The Sovereign Self | Issue 1 | October 2011
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a Life Ungoverned, Uncontrolled, for the Full Expression of the Creative Self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7.25″x10.5″ | pages: 8 | price: $2
No information.
The Sovereign Self | Issue 2 | November 2011
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7.25″x10.5″ | pages: 8 | price: n/a
Issue Cover

Copy from Little Black Cart:
This issue has a review of the mini-series Carlos, about Carlos the Jackal and a review of the film Together; a critical piece on the Occupies; reflections on social justice; “Notes on Suicide and the Mystification of Death” by Wolfi Landstreicher; thoughts on the turning of Briana Waters (who agreed to give evidence to a co-defendent in hopes of getting less jail time for herself); a short historical piece on the Anarchist Black Dragon Collective (and participation in it by John Bosch)
The Sovereign Self | Issue 3 | December 2011
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7.25″x10.5″ | pages: 8 | price: $2
Copy from Little Black Cart:
This issue has a review of the mini-series Carlos, about Carlos the Jackal and a review of the film Together; a critical piece on the Occupies; reflections on social justice; “Notes on Suicide and the Mystification of Death” by Wolfi Landstreicher; thoughts on the turning of Briana Waters (who agreed to give evidence to a co-defendent in hopes of getting less jail time for herself); a short historical piece on the Anarchist Black Dragon Collective (and participation in it by John Bosch)
This issue costs $2, and comes with a request for subscriber.The third issue of this jewel of a journal, includes ten pages: an articles on value, a piece by Wolfi Landstreicher on chaos vs autonomy, reclaiming our wild selves (barely skirting the edges of poetry, here), more on raising other people’s children (or children in general), an excerpt on Laurence Labadie, a piece by Labadie on Grandpa Stirner, an insert on the dialog about the Occupys, a review of Anais Nin’s Woman.”
The Sovereign Self | Issue 4 | January 2012
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7.25″x10.5″ | pages: 8 | price: $2
Issue Cover

Copy from Little Black Cart:
Tacoma, Washington’s very own individualist mini-paper. Eight pages of contemporary egoism, printed lovingly on a Multilith 1250. This is the dichotomy that lies within me. I want, so badly, to destroy the external–to burn it to the ground–and then, bewildered, recognize this action’s futility. Despite this acknowledgement, because I feel alien to this given existence, I cannot help but carry on toward an existence I call my own. (from “In Bounding Leaps”)
Also featuring a piece by Alejandro de Acosta, questioning the static nature of ego, a review of translations of Individuales Tendiendo a lo Salvaje, and a short bio of S.E. Parker.
The Sovereign Self | Issue 5 | February 2012
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7.25″x10.5″ | pages: 12 | price: $2
Issue Cover

Copy from Little Black Cart:
This issue includes “Towards an Indigenous Egoism” by Alex, “How You and I Might Meet” by Alejandro de Acosta (shaking hands with Stirner and Freud), “A Question of Property” on the importance of defining terms (among other things), a mini-biography of archist Dora Marsden, and one of her articles, and a poem called “The Window” for which more explanation is available if desired…
The Sovereign Self | Issue 6 | March 2012
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 8.5″x11″ | pages: 8 | price: $2
Issue Cover

Copy from Little Black Cart:
The Sovereign Self is a charming newsletter produced out of Tacoma, Wa. bringing egoism and individualist anarchism out of the shadows of the 20th Century, where it has been a regular (if frequently reviled) tradition since Novatore and Emile Armand (among many others) took it up.
This issue includes a satire from D’axa (from 1898), a critique of the push for converts among many anarchists, a new letters section, a critique of nihilist anarchists, a poetic rant on the animalness of us all, a critical review of Desert, the new booklet from the u.k., a poem by anonymous (from 1901), and the announcement of a new anarchist printing press in Seattle.
The Sovereign Self | Issue 7 | April 2012
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7″x10″ | pages: 8 | price: $2
Issue Cover

Copy from Little Black Cart:
This issue includes, among other pieces, letters from readers, a review of Lucifer the Light Bearer (an individualist anarchist paper published out of Kansas) and a reprint from that paper on natural rights, a review of Shoot the Women First, a reprint from Lawrence Labadie called “On ‘Society'”, a list of three other egoist and/or individualist papers in the us (there are four egoist papers!). The main piece is on Fumiko Kaneko, a nihilist anarchist political prisoner, someone who deserves more recognition.
The Sovereign Self | Issue (presumed 8) | Not Dated
Subtitle/Theme: Towards a life ungoverned, uncontrolled, for the full expression of the creative self.
edited by: Cresencia Desafio
size: 7.25″x10.5″ | pages: 8 | price: n/a
Issue Cover

“An Amoral Position” by Glenn Crespo
“10 Ground Rules for Forming your Anarchist Cult”
“Thinking and Thought” by Dora Marsden
Letters Section