Mark A. Sullivan began “The Storm” in 1976 and formed The Mackay Society around 1982. A few different people have been listed as co-editors, but Jim Kernochan was co-editor from Issue 4/5 to 14/15. The last issue of The Storm known to UoE as of this writing is the Issue 16/17, and it lists Hakim Bey as co-editor.
Sullivan branched off and produced “The Arrow” as an official publication of the Mackay Society. Some of the indexing information was pulled from John Zube’s Libertarian Microfiche Project card index.
The Storm! states explicitly that it was “anti-copyright” (see “The Eye of the Storm,” Issue 2), though we are trying to get permission from the publisher before we post scans online.
“The purpose of THE STORM! has been from the beginning to explore and advocate anarchy — life without compulsory authority. In the execution of this purpose, we have criticised authority as it is embodied in the corporate-state and as it manifests within the various counter-movements of anarchism, libertarianism, and gay liberation. We have also looked back to those whose lives exemplified anarchy in action: Emma Goldman, John Henry Mackay, Thoreau, the European Egoists, and Voltairine de Cleyre.” – From The Storm, Issue #9
Editors: Mark A. Sullivan (1 – 3)
Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan (4/5 – 8)
Jim Kernochan, Danny Murphy & Mark A. Sullivan (9/10)
Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan (11 – 14/15)
Hakim Bey & Mark A. Sullivan (16/17)
Index of Issues
The Storm | Issue 1 | April, 1976 | PDF
Subtitle: A Journal for Free Spirits
Theme: “Individualist-anarchist critique of corporate-capitalist society.”
edited by: Mark A. Sullivan
size: x | pages: 12 | price: n/a
UoE Notes

“Anarchy” (poem) · J.H.Mackay | 1 |
“The Eye of the Storm” · Mark A. Sullivan | 2 |
Information for contributors. advertisers,subscribers | 4 |
Anarchism as Politico-Economic Criticism · M.A.S Article ctnd. on state, religion, exploitation, aggression, Tucker,”the people”, rent, interest, wages, schools,consent, taxes, anarchist criticism, preview. |
5 |
Economics of Liberty · Laurance Labadie | 9 |
Against Finance Capitalism · Lysander Spooner | 11 |
Quotations from Emma Goldman and John Badcock | 12 |
The Storm | Issue 2 | October 1976 | PDF
Subtitle/Theme: N/A
edited by: Mark Sullivan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
UoE Notes
Peter McAlpine – “Mark Sullivan – I am glad you liked OCCULT TECHNOLOGY. I also welcome the publication of your STORM. I have always hoped there would be a Stirnerite-Egoist Anarchist publication available. I enclose a subscription. S.”

Quote from Max Stirner | 1 |
The Eye of the Storm! · Mark A. Sullivan On the open-ended anarchism of “The Storm!”, gay liberationists in N.Y., voting, libertarian party „representative democracy, American Revolution, Nobody for President campaign, John Lennon as an anarchist |
2 |
Letter from S.E.Parker and note on Iberian anarchists | 4 |
Response to Parker in defence of Tuckerian economics, on anarchocapitalists & their opponents, for a degree of redistribution from Mark Sullivan. | 5 |
Peter McAlpine on THE STORM!, Stirner & Occult Technology Response to Peter from MAS |
6 |
Neither Capitalist nor Communist Anarchism · Mark A. Sullivan Footnotes reference Sidney Parker’s Minus One (1963) and the Libertarian Book Club edition of The Ego and His Own. |
7 |
Storm Signals Addresses, mags, a quote from J.B. Robinson. “In Memoriam William Caback, 1902-1976” |
11 |
An Anarchist Primer · Harold Pickett & Susan Williams | 12 |
The Storm | Issue 3 | Winter 1977
Subtitle/Theme: N/A
edited by: Mark A. Sullivan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
The Eye of The Storm!,by MAS, on anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-communism and radical pluralistic individualism, the Free Society, Revolution and the Superstate , self-liberation, BLACK FLAG & ANARCHY MAGAZINE | x |
Cantwell on individualism, anarchists with the ideals of US Marines,Jehovah’s Witnesses etc., collective Self-Determination, the Principle of Individuality, the working class, Unbridled Laissez-Faire. | x |
Death penalty – by Susan Williams & Fd Bader, 10/76 | x |
Riders on The Storm! ( letters, Joan Weibel, reply by Mark | x |
Letters from S.E. Parker & H. Meulen | x |
Barnstorming, with Jim Kernochan, on Carter, no president of the US had ever the majority of eligible votes, video recorders and copyrights | x |
Instead of a Program, 8 points of THE STORM, adapted from Abba Gordin’s THE CLARION,10/32, against territorialism, for associationism, solidarity with voluntary associates,for Labor-Property,self-organization,individual secessionism, against the monopoly of law, for Egocracy, alternative social institutions. | x |
The Storm | Issue 4/5 | DATE
Subtitle/Theme: N/A
edited by: Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
UoE Notes
Angry letters in response to S.E. Parker
A quote from Tucker on power and disobedience, tax strike, monetary freedom | x |
Quotes from “True Civilization” by Josiah Warren,190,19:,. 217, on The Principle of Equivalents and a quote from S.P. Andrews on free exchange and the labour dollar |
x |
The Eye of the Storm! · Anarchism as politico-economic criticism revisited, on property, Mutualism, exchange | x |
Closet Idealists or Close Pessimists?; REAL MONEY by Robert Lyle,1976 Doubleday Anchor paperback, on government control of the money system, a horror file , some book titles | x |
Barnstorming · by Jim Kernochan on privacy, lie detector tests |
x |
Jim Stumm on current credit market & regulations,Spooner,banking, in defence of savings banking,pro free banking | x |
S.E. Parker, pro & con Meulen’s view, anarchist utopia & mini‑statism, sin of sharing state courts and defence | x |
Anarcho-Syndicalism & Collectivism · Harold Pickett | x |
Susan Williams letter on criticism of An Anarchist Primer | x |
Merrill Moss, on anarchist mutual excommunications, Cantwell, IWW, individualism minimum requirement for anarchist, to each his own, CNT etc | x |
Free Exchange”, extracts from Economics of Liberty by J.B. Robinson, propositions III and IV. | x |
Riegel, e.C.,1949,extracts from:The New Approach to Freednm | x |
Sullivan : Barter – and beyond, on C.M.Wilson :Let’s Try Barter | x |
Gold standard or Free Banking? | x |
An article by Howard Katz,opposed to legal tender & central bank-king, confr rated with a snippet from Meulen’s Individualist… | x |
Susan Williams : Crimestopper’s Checkbook, for non-cash payments, objections from the anarchist point of view | x |
Laurance Labadie .The Money Problem in the Light of Liberty…. | x |
The ABC of Equity, by W.E. Brokaw | x |
Producers versus Consumers, by Vaughn Bachman Brokaw | x |
Vanzetti on Sacco; Gay picketing | x |
The Storm | Issue 6 | Winter 1978
Subtitle/Theme: Gay Liberation
edited by: Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
On the Haymarket Martyrs | x |
Loaf-wardens(lords) and goats (gods), by Dora Hesse | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
The Storm | Issue 7 | 1978
Theme: European Individualist Anarchists
Subtitle: A Journal for Free Spirits
Edited by: Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
UoE Notes
Quote from Renzo Novatore, 1920 | x |
Editorial · The Eye of the Storm! · Mark Sullivan | x |
Three European Anarchists (Armand, Martucci & Novatore) · Parker | x |
Barnstorming · Jim Kernochan on individua sovereignty,personal love relationships, psychological laissez-faire, Klasman, J.: Living With Equals |
x |
TheLife and Ideas of John Henry Mackay,part 2 : Max Stirner, by Mark A. Sullivan. ( For 1st part, on gay Mackay , see No.6.) | x |
The Pirkett Line on EST and Anarchy, by Harold Pickett | x |
Thoughts on Stirner · Bob Palmer | x |
Henry David Thoreau, American Anarchist · Michael Stephens | x |
Hentoff, You’re Off! · Jim Kernochan on gay boycott of orange juice from Florida, directed against Anita Bryant and her employers, the Florida Citrus Commission |
x |
A review by Robert Cooke of Spooner’s “Vices are not Crimes” | x |
Kerry Thornley’s Thunderings :It Ain’t she Landlord- It’s the Rent!!! , for rent strike, strike against banks and liberated money systems | x |
AGORISTS = The Anti-Utopian Visionaries, a first introduction to the positions of the Market-Anarchists, by Samuel E.Konkin |
x |
Cienfuegos Press, Review No. 3 | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
Title · Author | x |
The Storm | Issue 8 | DATE | DWNLD
Subtitle/Theme: Feminism
edited by: Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
UoE Notes
Emma Goldman | x |
The Eye of The Storm„ on feminism and anarchism; credits,MAS | x |
Who is an anarchist? by Robert Cooke | x |
Kerry Thornley’s Thunderings:Zen & the Art of Traffic Accidents125 | x |
The Sex-Role Conspiracy, by Mark A. Sullivan | x |
Barnstorming with Jim Kernochan, on religious morality, legalized birth control, contraception, abortion, sex, prostitution | x |
The Pickett Line, by Harold Pickett, on civil rights laws, using the political process, using the laws, | x |
Pat Parker:On Beauty, and an age obsessed with physical perfection, 1966 | x |
Sharon Presly : Voltairine de Cleyre : A Woman Against the State | x |
Literature hints | x |
Anarchy, extract from “Anarchism” by Volt irine de Cleyre | x |
The Storm | Issue 9/10 | DATE
Subtitle/Theme: N/A
edited by: Jim Kernochan, Danny Murphy & Mark A. Sullivan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
Cover Image
The Eye of The Storm! · Mark Sullivan | x |
Riders on The Storm! · letter from Irv of “Black Bart” | x |
Reply to Iry from Mark | x |
Letter from Carl Harp, with Morgan Edwards (Robert Cooke’s)reply | x |
Above discussion of copyrights – continued by Mark | x |
Barnstorming “On the Subjection of Children” · Jim Kernochan | x |
Storm Signals ( literature offered ) | x |
The Pickett Line. – Children’s Rights? by Harold Pickett | x |
Two Books from The Mackay Society & on “The Manifesto of Freedom and Peace” | x |
From “The Freedomseeker”, The Psychology of a Development/Mackay | x |
Ezra Heywood & Laurance Labadie, two libertarian broadsides reviewed by Mark Sullivan, on the series published by Ralph Myles and edited by James J. Martin, a total of 8 booklets (Stirner,Badcock,Walker,Tucker,Spooner,Boetie,L.Labadie,Heywood) Anarchism vs. abortion.The inevitable conflict between mutually exclusive alternatives, by G.S. Swan Kernochanswer | x |
Henry George, anarchy, and land monopoly, a dialogue: Mark Sullivan & Oscar Hohannsen | x |
Ideology and Anarchy · by Mark A. Sullivan marxism,rights,ecial freedom, self-determination |
x |
THE STORM ! presents ; Maculate Origins,
Special issue. “Themes of failure success in american Anarchism,” by Morgan Edwards, LUCIFER, Nov 23,1905,
- introduction (by Mark?)
- Text of above
The Storm | Issue 11/12 –
edited by Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
DEVOTED ENTIRELY TO E. ARMAND, introductory essay by S. E. Parker
The Storm | Issue 13 – Winter 1982-’83
edited by Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
Union of Egoists, Ragnar Redbeard by S. E. Parker
SULLIVAN, MARK A., The Eye of the Storm, 1983, 5pp: 11.; 1984/85,5pp: 28; 1987, 5po: 50.
FLANNERY, MAUREEN, Union of Egoists, a recollection, 5pp: 13.
PARKER, S.E., Ragnar Redbeard and the Right of Might, 5pp: 16.
PARKER, S.E., A NOTE ON RAGNAR REDBEARD ( Arthur Desmond): 14.
HORNLEY, KERRY WENDELL, Hunan Rights and Rational Behaviour, 3pp: 23. –
SULLIVAN, MARX A., Last Rights, 2pp: 26.
The Storm | Issue 14/15 – 1984/’85 –
edited by Mark A. Sullivan & Jim Kernochan
- SMITH, JEFFERY J., We, the Landlord… An Alternative to Land Abuse
- HARMS, TRACY B., Plight of the Farmers
- POLLOCK, LANSING, Review of : HARRISON, FRED, The Power in the Land
- KERNOCHAN, JIM, Anti-Ideology Dept.: Bodybuilding vs. Movement-Building
- FOLDVARY, FRED, A Geoist Manifesto
- ROBINSON, JOHN BEVERLEY, Economics of Liberty, Extracts
- SULLIVAN, MARK A., An Anarchist View of the Land Problem
The Storm | Issue 16/17 – 1986/’88 -52 pages –
edited by Mark A. Sullivan & Hakim Bey
Title | Issue # | DATE | DWNLD
Subtitle/Theme: N/A
edited by: Hakim Bey & Mark A. Sullivan
size: XxX” | pages: x | price: n/a
UoE Notes
John Henry Mackay · E. Armand | x |
4 Poems: Defence; 1919; 13; Curse · John Henry Mackay | x |
The Veil of Sagitta. Letters on the Nameless Love from J.H. Mackay to B.R. Tucker, · introduced and edited by Hakim Bey | x |
Two Poets, a short story · John Henry Mackay | x |
The Freedomseeker · Review by Murray N. Rothbard | x |
The Anarchists, A Picture of Civilization at the Close of the 19th Century, as recalled by Jim Kernochan | x |
DORE, FRIEDRICH, John Henry Mackay als Mensch, 1987 · review by Hubert Kennedy | x |
The Swimmer, extracts, by John Henry Mackay with lp introduction by translator : Edward Mornin | x |
Love Poems by John Henry Mackay · introduced & translated by Eric Thorndale | x |
A Mackay Bibliography · Hubert Kennedy | x |