The Vulture / La Feuille (1975)

We have been able to find very, very little information about Association Max Stirner du Kébec and their journals The Vulture & La Feuille (The Leaf). Thanks to Labadie Collection we’ve been able to obtain photos of the first issue. It is a single large sized paper with The Vulture on one side all in English and La Feuille on the other, all in FrenchOn the one example there is one essay on each side.

If you have ANY information on the organization or the journal, please get in touch.

Table of Contents


“Promotion of Individualism” / “promouvoir l’individualisme”


First issue: Summer 1975
Last issue: unknown
 Self-Ownership and Self-Creation Against All Authority
Editor: Association Max Stirner du Kébec


The Vulture / La Feuille | Vol. 1 No. 1 /Vol I No U | Summer 1971 / Autumne 7X, Hiver 7K
Subtitle/Theme: Individualist Anarchism
edited by: Association Max Stirner du Kébec
size: x | pages: 2 | price: $.50

Malatesta and Individualism! by S. E. Parker 1
Tableau Resume by E. Armand 2